Jurnal Smart Kebidanan
Jurnal SMART Kebidanan (e-ISSN: 2503-0388 & p-ISSN: 2301-6213) is a national midwifery journal that publishes scientific papers for midwives, nurses, academics, and practitioners. SMART Kebidanan Journal is managed by Faculty of Nursing and Health, Universitas Karya Husada Semarang. Universitas Karya Husada Semarang and published by Universitas Karya Husada Semarang. SMART Kebidanan Journal accepts and invites original research articles in the field of midwifery with a focus and scope including Birth, Pregnancy, Child and Maternal Health, Newborn, Adolescent, Family Planning, Climacterium, Midwifery Community, Midwifery Education, Midwifery Complementary Therapy, Nutrition in Pregnancy and Child.
Published twice a year (June and December).
Chief Editor: Bd. Sa'adah Mujahidah, S.ST., M. Tr.Keb (Scopus ID: 57210969634)
p-ISSN: 2301-6213 e-ISSN: 2503-0388
Sinta 4 Accreditation
Frequency Twice a year (June and December)EDITORIAL: ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Since Vol. 10 No. 2 December 2023, SMART Midwifery Journal only receives full-text manuscript in ENGLISH. Thank you. -
Jurnal SMART Keperawatan
Jurnal SMART Keperawatan (JSKP, or Nursing Smart of Journal) is the oldest and most respected broad-based nursing journal in Indonesia. The journal was established in 2016, and as the name suggests, SJKP has become a pioneer in the publication of nursing journals in University of Karya Husada of Semarang. Its presence has been invaluable to the vast growth of the nursing profession in the country and to the development of nursing and health in general. In conjunction with this journey, the journal not only covers issues surrounding nursing in Indonesia, but also any topics that are relevant to health nationally and internationally, especially those concerning low-middle income countries in the world.
Last accredited (2021-2026) by Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (No: 164/E/KPT/2022) with First Grade (Sinta 4). SINTA has a grade or level or classification of national accredited journals, which are divided into six categories, namely S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6, that the S1 score is the highest category.
Journal Of Biomedical Sciences and Health
Journal Of Biomedical Sciences and Health (JBSH) accepts manuscripts in basic sciences and applied clinical research. It covers various fields of biomedicine, but are not limited such as Medical sciences, Pharmacology and Traditional herb, Biology and life science, Genetics and Molecular biology, Bioinformatics and biotechnology, Immunology, Anatomy and Physiology, Tropical infection and parasitology, and clinical health Sciences
Journal Of Biomedical Sciences and Health (JBSH) is publised by Program Studi Sains Biomedis Fakultas Keperawatan dan Kesehatan Universitas Karya Husada Semarang. JBSH is expected to participate and contribute towards better known as a result of scientific studies and research findings that can be accessed by academic circles and researcher.
Kelompok Studi Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Kespera: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, published by Unit Jurnal STIKes Karya Husada Semarang . Its a biannual refereed journal concerned with the practice and processes of community engagement. It provides a forum for academics, practitioners and community representatives to explore innovative endeavors; critically examining emerging issues, trends, challenges, and opportunities; and reporting on studies of impact in the areas of public service, outreach, engagement, extension, engaged research, community-based research, community-based participatory research, action research, public scholarship, service-learning, and community service.. This journal is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high quality research focused on research and its implementation